General terms and conditions
Adrienne Norman is a member of DuPho | Dutch Photographers Association.
Adrienne Norman Photography/Studio7n uses the general terms and conditions drawn up by DuPho. These terms and conditions apply to all our communications, agreements, and activities. They protect you and me.
DuPho Algemene Voorwarden (NL)
DuPho General Terms and Conditions (ENG)
DuPho auteursrechtenkaartje
Privacy statement
6 april 2019
How I handle your data
Under the AVG Act (called GDPR in Europe), companies must comply with some data retention and protection standards from 25 May 2018. Companies must also indicate how they deal with personally sensitive information.
My identity is Adrienne Norman Photography. I am registered in the Chamber of Commerce (KvK) as a sole proprietorship under number 34313824.
Careful handling of your data
I store the following data: Your first and last name; company name; address; postal code; city; telephone numbers (mobile and landline), your email address; websites; dates of the last contact; our email exchange.
Principles and objectives
The principles on which I store your data are those of ‘performance of a contract’ and ‘Justified Interest.’ I keep your data for two purposes: performing your assignments and showing my work through Direct Marketing and Social Media marketing.
Your data is confidential and will not be made available to third parties. The only exception to this is that I give your information to a fellow photographer who will do an assignment for you because I am unable to do it myself.
Storage, protection, and duration
Your data is stored in my financial administration, in my email program, and my calendar. The security of my data is basic. The mentioned programs are protected with a password/username, and a firewall protects my network. My website stores all the information you leave on my contact form. My website is protected against infringement and hacking.
I regularly clean up my data. Details of relations with whom I have no further contact are removed from my systems after five years.
My company nor I can be held liable for any damage you may incur due to the use of your data that takes place without my permission.
Anyone who uses my contact form and gives an assignment indicates that I may store his or her data in the manner stated above and for the purposes indicated above.
This website only uses functional cookies to ensure that my website works as smoothly as possible. If you continue to use the website, I will assume that you agree with it.